A Lot of Look
Today, let me share with you a wonderful passage by American dancer and choreographer, Martha Graham. I hope it inspires you, the way it has inspired me.

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it …

… It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open …

… You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open…

… No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.” – Martha Graham
The finished quilt top post for “A Lot of Look” can be found here.
Sometimes I hate artists… oh did I use my out loud voice? All to say I truly love this. I wish I had your eye. Or inner eye…. as the girls and I are saying lately (since the Christmas Party Tuesday night) "You're The Poop!"
Oh, this is lovely! I absolutely adore this! 🙂
The quilt is beautiful and really love Martha Graham's quote!
Bravo Sir Sparkles. Bravo!
Oh sweet Molli! your post brought tears to my eyes. and regarding your quilt, is even more than gorgeous! a feast for the eyes.
wow…this one really "sparkles"!! And always a bonus when it turns out the way you see it in your head !!
Tres' Fabu! Time for you to get an embroidery machine to make your labels! 🙂
Absolutely stunning and very, very inspiring – thank you!
Really beautiful 🙂
Oh my goodness, this is GORGEOUS! What a terrific use of the ombres. I really admire your use of value (see also: the blue and white Around the World quilt.)
Wonderful quilt and quote.
Oh how I love this! Do you still plan to give it to your friend? I hope you can keep it… And thanks for sharing the Martha Graham quote. Very nice.
I think you're the only one I've seen use this ombre fabric truly successfully, and it looks fab!
What a wonderful quote to read at the start of a new and creatively challenging day. I'm already feeling inspired so thank you! And the pops of ombre colour in the quilt? STUNNING!
This is really gorgeous – you did a great job with it.
Very inspiring! I think you've captured some of my favourite things in this quilt – simplicity of design, thoughtful fabric choices and that x-factor that just makes you gasp. This is one of those quilts where I think "I wish I'd thought of that"! Enjoy 🙂
so beautiful, both the quote and the quilt
Such a stunning quilt – love the vibrant colours!
Fabulous, darling! it reminds me of fireworks – it crackles and sparkles. xx
You know, if you don't have a home and display place in mind for this beauty I think about half the internet would be happy to take it off your hands. It's just gorgeous – but you know that already, I'm sure.
I think I've seen this lovely piece on instagram, it is wonderful. And while I have some misgivings with the quote, I enjoyed, thank you for sharing.
You continue to grace the world with rainbows and sparkles! Thanks for the lovely eye candy!
Lovely quilt and lovely saying…my sister would paraphrase that by saying, "Don't cockblock yourself". 😉
Everything about this post is wonderful.
Nailed it!
So colourful, I just LOVE it!
Very well done on all counts. I think I have something in my eye….
Quilting has become a way to express my art that I carry in my mind. I can only hope to get it as rigth as you do , thank you for sharing
Thank you for such a wonderful compliment! That is the challenge, isn't it?!
Absolutely gorgeous- and thank you for posting the quote as well!
Love this quilt!!
Love the quilt. Very colorful and the backing fabric looks great.
GORGEOUS! Love it!
<3 <3 This is the best, Joshua. The best. I am so glad you made this little quilt! (Shhh don't tell I think it is my favorite you've done yet.)
Do you know of a Martha Graham bio or doc I should read/watch? I know there is the one that is her autobiography, is that the one I need?