Rainbow Bee 02 – November

And what happens in that sewing dungeon? Well bee blocks get made, obviously! Grandma Sparkles didn’t help with these, but she was ogling them, and has quietly packed my printed-out pattern away in her ever-expanding suitcase. (Don’t think I didn’t notice!) Rainbow Bee 2 member, Mishi Kichi asked for blocks to make her take on a Hula Hoop Tula Pink quilt. Her instructions explicitly stated, “no novelty and no organic.”

And even after reading it a half-dozen times, I somehow still managed to pick out this novelty scooter fabric (which is also organic!) and make the damn block. I think I subconsciously just wanted to see how fragmented all these scooters would look sliced and diced and put back together. Picasso of the sewing world! Plus, I drive a Vespa, so I thought this would represent me well. Argh, fail.

To make up for it, I made an extra block that was neither novelty, nor organic. Plus, hard to tell from the photo, but it has a bit of a gold shimmery sparkle to it, so that can represent me too! Funny that it is basically the same colour scheme as the scooters, but in reverse.

Now get together and say “Cheese!” This is going to be one seriously beautiful quilt.
However, Mishi Kichi is one of those quilters that never finishes a quilt and it drives me bonkers! Bonkers, I say! Not because I want her to quilt my way, or even finish everything, but because she has so, so many amazing projects in her wings and I want the world to see how much fabulosity is in her! Girl: show us the goods! Please?
Readers, what do you do with quilty friends like this? Do I need to rob her of her sewing projects and finish them myself? (I’m totally prepared to do that, by the way!) Help me help her!
Loving those blocks and I love the vespas but then its not my quilt! Maybe she can use it on the back if she doesn't like it! What is this block called?
Molli! Totally feeling your pain about not being in Houston as I'm home too. But, there's always next year, right? That block is seriously cool. I've never seen it before, so I'd also like to know what it's called.
Woah. That quilt just got added to my must list. I love it! It'd be perfect for getting all Picasso on some Anna Maria Horner large scale prints.
Those blocks are super fierce. Yum!
these are great! Is there a pattern somewhere for these lovelies?
Did she really mean no organic fabric, or is it no organic prints, ie: flowers? Whatever, your blocks are fabulous!
I love that your relationship with your grandmother means you love her so much, you'll kidnap her. 🙂 Yay, for Grandma Sparkles!
Love the blocks – and as for your friend… The best way is to plan a intervention/sewing retreat where everyone is only allowed to finish works in progress and not allowed to start new ones. Add wine, stir. Simmer for 2.5 days.
I Love the scooters :o) I meant no dora or dogs n cats playing musical instruments hahahaha n I should have said organic prints (most are to dull n I was too lazy to discuss it) I agree with sarah, I think it'd look awesum in 'fieldstudy' AMH and citricsugar is onto something! Thats a GREAT idea for a retreat……..i just get soooooo excited I NEEED to do everything in my head n I NEEED to do it all NOW and I get distracted soooooo Easily (i think its a disorder!!)
I Love the scooters :o) I meant no dora or dogs n cats playing musical instruments hahahaha n I should have said organic prints (most are to dull n I was too lazy to discuss it) I agree with sarah, I think it'd look awesum in 'fieldstudy' AMH and citricsugar is onto something! Thats a GREAT idea for a retreat……..i just get soooooo excited I NEEED to do everything in my head n I NEEED to do it all NOW and I get distracted soooooo Easily (i think its a disorder!!)
But secretly I think I do these thing just to annoy you molli ;o) Ur so cute when ur havin a BitchFit n the glitter hits the fan!
I Love the scooters :o) I meant no dora or dogs n cats playing musical instruments hahahaha n I should have said organic prints (most are to dull n I was too lazy to discuss it) I agree with sarah, I think it'd look awesum in 'fieldstudy' AMH and citricsugar is onto something! Thats a GREAT idea for a retreat……..i just get soooooo excited I NEEED to do everything in my head n I NEEED to do it all NOW and I get distracted soooooo Easily (i think its a disorder!!)
I may be laughing hysterically about the scooters, but I've been working all weekend and I'm sleep deprived ;o) GS seems like a reasonable trade for Market though…
I think mishikishi made her point. . . . does she always speak in triple?
Or was it jus cos you did a triple block?
They is beautiful. Oh for some Vespa love.
LOVE that block pattern! Need to track it down….
Fun pattern. It seems Mishi doesn't really blog so it might be the lack of bloggie supporters. You can borrow her some, lol.
These blocks are awesome! I love the first one especially, has a delightful 70s touch to it. Had me thinking that should dig up some old GDR fabric my mil gave me and bring it to life.
Lordy! If you want to finish someones WIP's, come on over to my sewing room. Pleeeese!!! Why did I not meet you when I lived in Sydney???
Worthing, UK
I claim to be someone who starts everything and finishes hardly anything. I have stacks of gorgeous quilt tops that would be lovely completed quilts. However, I don't possess the skills to machine quilt them myself, and although I claim to want to learn how, apparently not enough to actually try. So there they are in a lovely stack: single girl, farmer's wife, swoon, supernova. The list goes on.
These blocks are beautiful by the way.
Thanks, thanks, thanks to you and Mishi Kichi for this block and tutorial. I know how you can motivate her: does she have a blog?! Make her start one! Nothing helps me finish like anticipating a gorgeous blog post featuring a finished quilt.
PS I compulsively sewed FIVE of these blocks this afternoon. 🙂
okay…soooo i just had to totally come on here to download this tutorial HAHAHAHAHAHA thankyou my sparkle queen!! xoxo smooches
Molli, when you find the cure for us non finishers, please share!! Love the blocks!
Molli, when you find the cure for us non finishers, please share!! Love the blocks!