WiP Wednesday #14 – An Artist Again
Have you ever been so consumed by something that nothing else in the world in that moment could even begin to matter? You know, those unassuming things like, hearing your favourite song from ten years ago on the radio, raiding the freezer for Rocky Road ice cream at midnight, or his lips brushing against your neck as he whispers “I love you.” It’s like everything else fades away, and you are left in a moment of unintended concentration on the experience at hand. Well, that, my sparkle children, is my Bloom Bloom Pow quilt.

I haven’t felt this creatively inspired since my university days when I used to spend hours in a dark room processing print after print of nude men splashed in everything from paint to cherry pie filling. (All true! If my camera could talk!) Maybe it’s the colours, my virginal experience of a quilt along, or the pent up energy wasted on making quilts with others in mind, but every step of this quilt is life giving.

Mr. Sparkles laughs and gives sideway glances simultaneously, as I take over the living room floor, dining room, and kitchen, with this project. I feel like a painter as I step back at every step and analyse what’s missing, what’s working, and where it needs to go. I am an artist once again, and that for me is such an unexpected surprise, one I am incredibly grateful for it. It gives me hope I can get back to the art-filled life I once had. (No regrets of where I am today, just, life, as it does, took a detour!)

So these are some of my in progress shots of my Bloom Bloom Pow quilt. As you’ll probably discern, it’s growing day by day–even larger than the instructions dictated! I’m nearly finished with the quilt top, as I’ve cut the final bloom tonight. However, Lee’s QAL instructions wanted us to cut the edges off, and I just couldn’t bare to do that! So I drew myself a digram of what was needed to make two “petals” and am using those as “Inset Blooms” that I’ll feel better about cutting in half once they are in place.

I’m working slowly on this to get it just right, but I hope you’ll come back to see the finished piece, as I have the backing, quilting and binding planned out in my head, and they are going to be as inspirational as the front. If I do say so myself!
Love the dark background. It makes the quilt sparkle.
Jo! You're no-reply, and I wanted to say thank you so much!
I saw the last picture in a thumbnail and was shocked by how good the absence of 1 would look. Never thought of it. Love your BBP. Looks fantastic. I really need to get moving on catching up.
Stunning. I love your fabrics. Just stunning. Did I tell you it is stunning?
Wow! Love the 3D effect (and your colour choices). But the Half blocks? Poor babies. They look so….forlorn. I think I'd be leaving them off and going for the ragged edge look on all 4 sides! Binding is harder, but I think it would be well worth the effort. Putting this on my To Do List! 🙂
Now THIS is how batiks should be used. Fantastic. Best Bloom Bloom Pow quilt I've seen by far.
Now see I knew the batiks would be brilliant. I love batiks, they are so undervalued! (I did get a little sidetracked by visualising naked men dripping with various items there for a bit but I'm back in quiltland now.)
It's inspirational that's what it is! I love that you've done more blocks than you had to and that you can't bear to cut the sides off. Can't wait to see this finished. (But I will…wait). x
Wow! I have not loved batiks until now (though I do have a batik jelly roll sitting in my cupboard!). LOVE the black background! I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt in its finished form – if it's this great now, then I can only imagine what it will be like when it's finished!! Are you keeping this one?
I love the black background. And the batiks look so good. Very nice! I too would have a hard time trimming the blocks down. I can't wait to see it finished!
Stunning, absolutely, positively, stunning. The black background is such a refreshing change from the usual white and batiks have never looked so good. This is most definitely the shimmering rainbow of fireworks you described when you started this quilt. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished quilt, it's going to be truly magnificent.
Love how you switched the background up!
I really like that 1st big LO. I did get distracted at naked men in cherry pie filling though *sigh* my uni days were filled with hairy, smelly rowing men :o/
Your Bloom Bloom Pow is looking gorgeous, love the colours esp on the black. I know what you mean about the size.. I'm pretty shocked at mine too it's gradually taking over! Can't wait to see yours all finished. Sadly as of today my sewing machine has decided it doesn't want to play anymore so I'm having to wait until it's fixed to get on with things. Thinking about the backing at the moment, but I can safely say it won't be inspirational…more like middle of the road!
looks great! I love how the design pops off the background.
Much of my life used to be in that "artist" moment, not that I created anything awe-inspiring but I used to give everything over to the project at hand. I lived it, breathed it, would even dream about it. Then real life would kick in…dang it!…and now it's been a long time since I've had that consuming kind of inspiration. So I'm very happy to know that you're feeling that way.
I'll live vicariously through Bloom Bloom Pow. Because it's a beaut! 🙂
This is GORgeous! Love the deep, dark colors! Really beautiful BBP, definitely one of my favorites so far! Can't wait to see how to quilt it.
I love how the background makes the blocks look like they are floating! Fantastic quilt! have fun
You are very innovative, love it! There are so many sides of Molli and so fun to read.
I read this post first thing this morning and was quite taken with your words. I know exactly how you feel! My BBP quilt was a serious addiction and makes me want to make more! Your BBP is stunning 🙂
Love these with the dark background!
Looks amazing!