Sunday Stash #14 – Get a Clue
“Do act mysterious. It always keeps them coming back for more.” – Nancy Drew

Oh my mysterious ladies … once upon a time before panty (or lack thereof!) flashes existed, “blog” wasn’t a word, and the perfect accessory was a magnifying glass rather than a little doggie in a handbag, there was a young lady named Nancy Drew. She found mysteries in hidden staircases, old clocks, and brass-bound trunks. If there was even the slightest peculiarity, Nancy was on to solving it, with her two best friends, Bess and George in tow.
I received and read my first Nancy Drew mystery book when I was eight years old, and it was from the Nancy Drew Files #31: Trouble in Tahiti. I remember thinking how exotic it was that Nancy Drew had not only travelled to Tahiti (remember, I was in the middle of rural Oklahoma at the time), but she was kicking villain ass, and learning about the mysterious murder of her mother. The intrigue; yes, I was a drama queen even then! I quickly picked up another book (#33: Danger in Disguise) where I learned what DOA stood for, much to the shock horror of my parents. It wasn’t long before Nancy, Bess and George were my new best friends, and I couldn’t wait to start solving my own detective mysteries. Unfortunately, none ever really came up in the cow fields surrounding my house.
I’ve carried my love for Nancy Drew throughout my life, so much so, that it holds a place on my resume in the interests section. I even became quite chummy with the author of Nancy Drew’s Guide to Life, Jennifer Worick. I’m telling you, it is a serious love affair. So, when I found out Moda was releasing “Get a Clue with Nancy Drew” fabric line, I nearly fell off my crumbling wall.
This shit was about to get real. It’s like my passions were converging in ways I never knew possible. Fabric and Nancy Drew, together at last? There was no mystery about it, I was going to have it all. So for Christmas, I said to Mr. Sparkles, “Don’t buy me anything, all I want is fabric. Nancy Drew. Fabric, and Nancy Drew. Got it? Get a clue!” He looked at me with confusion in his eyes, meanwhile there was fanaticism in mine, and slowly backed away. It was then I knew, like Nancy Drew always did, I had to take matters into my own hands.

I immediately contacted Quilt Jane of Want It, Need It, Quilt asking for her expertise on release dates, and how soon she could get it into Australia. She was on the case! So just into the new year I received a not so mysterious letter from Jane that it was on the way. Days passed anxiously, and finally the most awesome fat quarter bundle of “Get a Clue with Nancy Drew” arrived on my golden pavilion. I immediately had to open and explore the red, yellow, and blue colourways reminiscent of 1950s school day charm. Now let’s be honest, it’s not a completely modern vogue colourway of the moment, but this is 50s era Drew, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. So now it is up to me to bring Nancy, Bess, George, and her sleuthing tools into the 21st century. Just like Moda combined a mid-century classic, with the fabric of today, I hope to combine the by-gone tradition of quilting with the mysterious magic of Nancy Drew and the modern comfort she’s always provided me. Like she said, way back then, “it always keeps them coming back for more.”
So without further ado, let’s get a clue with what was included in this luscious bundle. Oh, you want pictures? I got you some pictures. At the end, make sure to check out the most precious selvedge I may have ever seen. Plus, add your own link below the pictures, but make sure your wipe the jealousy drool off your keyboard first!
What are your thoughts? What would you make? Oh, and don’t even think about coming near me to try and get some of my Nancy Drew goodness, because I will solve your bootie right out my front door. Sho’nuff.

Thanks to Fiona at Finding Fifth for letting me host this week’s Sunday Stash-a-thon!
Break out your magnifying glasses and show me what you found this week with the linky below:
I LOVE your blog!!!! Via Finding Fifth……..
Oh my sparkles, and I LOVE you!
I am loving the Nacy Drew – especially the book spine fabric in multiple colour ways! Lucky you!
Love and jealousy all rolled into one. Wonder and amazement at how you will slice dice and resew. Can't wait to see! xx
Nancy sure does look concerned and sleuthlike. I never expected this to be a fabric line. Well done for tracking it down through Quilt Jane like the wily protege you are. Like Marieka I love the book spines too. Thanks for hosting a fabulous linky today.
Loved your post today M! You just can't fake that kind of passion hehe!! Loving the magnifying glasses and book spines – oh and yes delicious selvedges! You'd better keep those under lock and key!
What a surprise! And I hadn't a clue! Absolutely fabulous I say. My fave fabric is the silhouette, all colours, and the book spines. Can't wait to see what you do with it. Mind you, cutting into your treasure will not be easy!
Oh, I do like those magnifying glasses. Now, what are you going to make with it?
So fun! I used to stay up late reading these at my grandma's house. The silhouette fabric is really neat, and unlike anything else I've seen out there (though this entire line is pretty unique!)
Oh I loved Nancy Drew as a kid, brilliant fabric! I am going to have to come back and admire it some more though as I was too busy laughing at the Mr Sparkles comments.
I love the little magnifying glass print and the book spines, very cute!
I am not sure which I enjoyed more – looking at the fabrics or your entertaining commentary!! I stayed up many a night as a girl reading Nancy Drew books, under the covers with a flashlight! So nice to revisit her and her adventures in the fabrics. I am partial to the dots and the book spines, and am eager to see what you make with this, although I imagine cutting into it may be tough. Thanks for sharing, its always a pleasure to visit with you!
Ooooh, the spines! What an awesome fabric line. First time I've heard of Nancy Drew but I'm pretty sure I would've loved these along with Miss Marple, Sherlock, et al. during my teen crime phase.
Love your blog, too!
This is total mystery to me so I have to come back soon as I want more already.
What a gorgeous bundle! My 9 year old has started reading Nancy Drew books and loves them! I especially love the print of the books 🙂
How fun! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them…
Love those polka dots!
Aren't those just too, too fun! I had to limit what I bought but I'm having a great time piecing my Nancy's together for the Get a Clue Blog hop!
Hey, Mister! I found you… better add me to your blog roll and I was totally serious about making you my art consultant. MUAH!
Will blood be found on your scissors and glass head pins? Will a trail of threads lead the cops to Molli's door? Has Nancy come to the end of sleuthing.. will she be pummelled by a walking foot? Stay tuned…
That was a fun post to read! And it is fun to see all those fabrics – now I really want that fabric with the books on it!