Sparkles Tales at The Intrepid Thread – Giveaway Details Have To Be Read
Some of you may know, but I’ve been away in California for the past week for work. I got called over at the last minute to provide support for those whose sparkle was beginning to fade. You know that meme that’s been circling the Internet for ages, you know, the one that advises, “Don’t let anyone ever dull your sparkle.” Yeah, well, that meme is my call to duty. It was my overseas mission to throw some glitter in the air, and bring some light and reflection to some special people’s lives. It’s what I do best! I think by the end of the week there was a shimmer of hope. A renewed passion, at least. Now, let’s get organised, because…

…you know what else I do best? Buy fabric. Lots of fabric. Ladies, I can sniff it out like a blood hound! I was on the ground from my trans-Pacific flight less than two hours and I was in a fabric shop. Oh and honey, not any ole fabric shop, but the most illustrious and modern fabric shop of them all on the west coast, The Intrepid Thread. I’m not even gonna lie to you (as if I would ever!) this fearless boutique had almost* everything that was on my shopping list, and then some. Like it had fabric I didn’t even know I wanted, but it became evident, I needed!
Before we even talk about the fabric, I have to call out the wonderful reception I received by owner, Julie, and fabric collector colleague, Colleen. I was babbling a hundred miles a minute–jet lag craziness–but they totally humored me, showing me around the shop, sharing quilty war stories, helping me pick, blend, and juxtapose fabrics,** and even offering to order in lunch for me to eat with them. Exsqueeze me? I know I am fabulous, but either their fabulosity perception meter is a thing of legend (likely), or they are just genuinely good human beings. Yes, tick, check, uh huh to all of that.
The creative ideas came bountifully being surrounded by such inspiring colours, textures and patterns. So, obviously, I bought one of everything. I exaggerate (slightly) but as you’ll see in the photos, I became a total label whore. As if I’ve never been called that before, snap! Notting Hill, Constellations, Living Elements, Cosmos, Architextures, Color Me Retro, Carnaby Lane, Bella, and Kona featured heavily, with nods to Oh Deer!, Vintage Modern, Saltwater, Field Study(?), Pearl Bracelets and … then I passed out. Over four hours later, with only the slightest*** dent in my credit card, I emerged with sweat on my brow, dizzy, jet lagged, famished, and hungry for more! Do not even think for one sparkle-second that that damaged credit card slowed me down. Did you know in America that you can demand stores run your card manually with the carbon imprint machine leftover from like 1987, otherwise it is considered shopper discrimination?**** It’s true, look it up.

Now, if you’re hungry for some of this, as I know you are, The Intrepid Thread is going to be giving away a duplicate fat quarter bundle of eight rainbow goodies I bought–but remember, I had passed out at that point, so don’t ask me which ones they are! We are calling it the Molli Sparkles Mardi Gras Bundle, as the competition will go live on Friday, March 1, just in time for me and Mr. Sparkles’s march in the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade on Saturday, March 2nd. (Don’t worry, this isn’t a political fabric movement, simply a sparkly rainbow one). Now pay attention, because all you’ll have to do to enter is leave a comment on Friday’s The Intrepid Thread post letting us know which of the fabric ranges I bought makes your inner sparkle shimmer the most! You should totally add them to your blog roll. Good luck!!
Now, lets look at all this fabricy goodness, shall we? Yes, let’s.

Notting Hill


Living Elements



Colour Me Retro

Carnaby Lane

The Remnant Pile!

The prize will be eight selections from this bunch. Yes, you heard me, that is two yards of designer fabric. For my Aussie Rainbow Brights (holla!), that’s like the mothership.

Love it all! Fantastic choices, and yes, that purple one and the blue leopard print are Field Study by Anna Maria Horner 🙂 x
The more I see that Saltwater……
Did you take an empty suitcase with you? I imagine you needed at least one, if not a luggage set! Yay for new fabric! I'm jealous of you, of course, but also very excited!
Fabulous post Miss Molli. The more I see that Architextures…
Oooh pretty! I sure be back on Friday.
I so enjoyed reading your post on yoru visit to The Intrepid Threads. They are my favorit online place to order fabric and other notions. I am following you. I am from Washington, D.C. and love to read and quilt. When you have some time stop on over to my blog.
I popped over from Julie's blog and I'm so glad I did – I love this post, and your fabric choices! Now I'm off to look at Constellations because I've fallen in love with the little asterisk print…
O my wow ~ you got some good loot at Julie's shop! I'm so glad you too met up, to feed your fabric addiction and so that now I've been exposed to your blog!!
Great score! I also did that once, went to Amish country in Pennsylvania.. I had to ship a box home. and paid extra for what was in my suitcase it was over 75 lbs. I would rather buy fabric on trips than souvenirs.
Good golly Miss Molli! Loved reading about your trip to The Intrepid Thread and I'm insanely jealous of the Architextures and Constellations that you picked up. So glad that I linked over from Julie's blog. XOXO
I''ve dropped in from Julie's and soooo glad I did! Oh my gosh! What a great lot of loot you took home! I love Julie's online store but have yet be able to find a way to drive the 5ish hours from my house to her store, spend ALL day shopping and drive home before dark. (I hate driving at night you see!) so for now I must be patient and shop online which is just not the same as shopping in a brand new fabric store. It means I drool on my iPad instrad of on the actual fabric. lol Happy to meet you! I'll be back! 😉 Have a great week!
Love love love! I was very excited to open my emails this morning and see you smiling back at me in Julie's blog post!
I stopped over from Julie's also. You got some great stuff there. What is that last one? I love it!! Now I want to go buy more fabric. I just folded and organized all mine this weekend so there's technically room for more now. So nice to meet you!
I'm visiting from Julie's blog also. So nice to visit and read all about your trip. Sounds like you had so much fun fabric shopping.
I live in New Hampshire on the east coast of the US, so I'm going to enjoy a wonderful roadtrip to California this summer to visit Julie's brick and mortar store. Oh, I'll visit our daughter too, but it's always important to plan the fabric shopping:)
I'm visiting from Julie's blog and I'm your newest fan! Can't wait to see what all you create! I live in South Alabama, Abbeville to be exact! Glad you had fun in the good ole USA
uh, I am actually drooling right now looking over all that fabric goodness.
I arrived through Julie's blog and I'm so glad I did.Those fabrics are pretty nice.Have fun at Julie`s shop!
i AM JEALOUS , you got to meet Julie, I am a big fan of her's. cya friday
WOW!! What a score! I'd love to visit The Intrepid Thread in person, but for now I'm just an online fan.
Luv the orange, please share what it is. Is Jules a treasure!?
So love your witty way with words! Cant wait to read more! We have some lovely shops on the East coast too!
Your photo of Color Me Retro is so beautiful! Other photos I've seen on the web of it are kind of blah but yours makes me wish I had bought it in my last order. I love the Constellation collection. You didn't get the constellations drawn into shapes. That was my favorite print!
Sorry! Isn't she a treasure?
Thought I would stop by from Julie's! I have never had the chance to meet her but have had some wonderful packages come my way to the East Coast. It sounds like she took very good care of you and that you have a marvelous time. I can't wait to hear the rest of your fabric tale.
It is great to meet you!!!
I live not too far from Intrepid Thread and my sister lives only 20 minutes away! Love her online shop! And your selection is awesome!!
As always, love your post and your enthusiasm for fabric!! Sounds like such a fun trip!!
Oh man, jealoussssssss!! I love IT and really hope I can go one day too!!
Josh you look so bloody good despite the jetlag. I am now very curious as to what your day job is on account of you offering renewed sparkle to the workers. You have photographed these fabrics so well that they are really appealing to me in all sorts of ways. Hope to see more of it at Sunday Stash…esp. more pf that Architextures.
Hehehe, I did a double take when I saw you on the Intrepid Thread blog! Looking good, despite jet lag! Must have been being in your fabric happy place! Hope your rainbow flag is done and you've finished your costume and scarves! Can't wait for the happy snaps. Keep spreading the rainbow joy (and sparkles!)
Architextures does it for me… hey we are heading to SAN FRAN is August, so MUST find this shop you visited and somehow squeeze a visit in.. do you have jetlag advice.. we always feel so shattered and struggle to stay away for a very early tea then bed, on day ONE!!! Perhaps it cause we may be double your age??!!
Shoulda got your autograph BEFORE you got famous!
Wowee you are famous!! I'm sure the rest of your purchases would have been just as fabulous. Exceptional taste. 🙂
Some great finds. Thank you!